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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Treating Migraine With Deep Brain Stimulation

Treating Migraine With Deep Brain Stimulation

After undergoing 10 sessions of treatment, pain in patients with migraine chronic decreased by 37 percent. Methods to cure migraine is known as Deep brain stimulation (DBS) . The scientists say that a weak electrical current two milliamps can relieve headaches. Scientists found that electric shock therapy will reduce headaches by 37 percent in those with chronic migraine, making the patient no longer dependent on drugs and thus reduce side effects . 

Scientists explain that the technique known as Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is to change the speed in which neurons receive stimuli and conduct nerve impulses. According to a new study by the University of Michigan, a weak electrical current two milliamps will relieve headaches .

 To reach this conclusion, the scientists tried in thirteen patients with chronic migraine, each of which is at least getting migraine attacks 15 times in one month, the electrode in the motor cortex responsible for motor function voluntary which sends electrical impulses. After ten sessions of treatment, which lasted four weeks, the average pain threshold decreased by 37 percent, Alexandra said Dasilva, professor at the School of Dentistry at the University of Michigan, who authored the study. 

Additional studies indicating that stimulation in this brain region also has the benefit of therapy in the treatment of several disorders such as chronic pain resistance, Parkinson's disease and essential tremor dystonia . Migraine in some ways can be called as spasticity, in which it is a neurological event involve abnormal activity in specific brain circuits (eg reflexes trigeminovascular ) and also involves hyperexcitability (central sensitization causes) of the number of neurons. This will lead to hypersensitivity to sound, light, smell, and touch - all of which can be a migraine trigger and worsen the situation.

Although the results are quite encouraging, but it is too early to discuss the clinical application of this treatment method, still need to consider the risks that may arise from this method of treatment of migraine.


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