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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Function, Dosage and Efect of Vitamin D Defiency

Function, Dosage and Efect of Vitamin D Defiency

Vitamin D is needed for healthy growth and strong bones. primary function of Vitamin D is to maintain the concentration of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Because vitamin D is important for infants and young children whose bones are growing rapidly. In addition, vitamin D also strengthens the immune system, prevent some types of cancer, depression, heart disease , and even make you live longer!.

Vitamin D is actually a derivative of the molecule steroid which is a derivative of cholesterol one. . Vitamin D consists of two active forms , namely:

Vitamin D2
Also known by the name ergokalsiferol , compounds derived from cholesterol derivative, can be found in yeast and plants.

Vitamin D3
Known by the name kolekalsiferol itself comes from the derivative compounds 7-dehidrokolesterol . This is the most abundant vitamin found in human skin .

Hormone Parathyroid assigned to activate vitamin D. In the kidney, vitamin D is converted to its active form called 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol . immediate needs of vitamin D is to prevent disease rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, and weakening of the bones. There is also evidence that vitamin D may also protect against some cancers colon, breast, prostate and ovarian and against auto-immune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes. 

Vitamin D is also able to control / reduce blood pressure, which ultimately helps to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Due to Lack of Vitamin D Vitamin D deficiency will cause serious deformities in the bones. This bone deformities known as rickets , which bones become soft and easily bent. Because of the pull of the muscles continuously, joints eventually lose its shape and can no longer function normally. In small children with vitamin D deficiency may also show symptoms of the skull bones become soft. Head may evenly on one side, and the possibility of her also will change the shape of the other normal babies generally. Here are some diseases or disorders caused by deficiency of vitamin D or diseases / disorders that can be prevented with vitamin D:

Maternal osteomalacia and rachitis in babies that would be born.
Babies learn to sit and slow soft skull.

Children ages 1-4 years will be able to experience abnormal curved spine, foot-shaped letter O or X.
Pain when walking in adolescents.
Flat pelvis in girls that causes a narrow birth canal.
Muscle spasms (farm).
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis or joint inflammation.
  • Multiple sclerosis or inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Parkinson. The disease is similar to a stroke. The difference, Parkinson's is a motor disorder of the body .
  • Renal failure kronik .
  • Diabetes.
  • Cancer.
Alzheimer's, a disease that attacks the brain cells and makes it constrict and narrow. The disease strikes older people above 60 years of age. More akin to senility.
  • Osteopenia.
  • Hypertension.
  • Heart disease.
In a study conducted in early 2012 and, among infants who died suddenly, 75 percent of whom were experiencing a shortage of vitamin D. Children who were born prematurely (not quite a month) susceptible to rickets . Therefore, this baby should get enough vitamin D. Danger will be greater when a child is living in a region long winters. rickets often occurs during winter, is all due to the lack of getting direct sunlight, or clouds that block ultraviolet rays. It became one of the problems for the children who are growing. Sources of Vitamin D Nowadays, many milk exposed to ultraviolet rays contain lots of vitamin D, eventually disease rickets is rare to encounter. 

Babies who eat only from the mother's milk are also susceptible to rickets , but this only happens when the mother's diet is not balanced (malnutrition). best food sources for vitamin D are egg yolks, oily fish (salmon, sardines, etc.), tuna cans, swiss cheese, shrimp, milk and also contain vitamin D and cereals are fortified with vitamin D. Actually, the human body will produce its own vitamin D because of the influence of exposure to sunlight. So, the sun is not really a source of vitamin D, but the ultraviolet radiation present in sunlight is able to transform provitamin D contained in the fat under the skin into vitamin D. 

Scientifically, when exposed to sunlight, compound precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol is converted to a compound of cholecalciferol to then converted again into a compound kalsitrol which is the active form of vitamin D in the body. Dosage / Figures Need Vitamin D According to WHO body's need for vitamin D only 400 IU per day, and the latest research suggests 1,700 IU to maintain health. As you age, the body's ability to produce vitamin D decreases. People over the age of 65 years are advised to take supplements of vitamin D 10 mcg per day. 

Dark-skinned people do not produce vitamin with ease. Nursing mothers and pregnant women should consume vitamin D supplement 10 mcg, is to make sure their children have healthy bones later and are protected from osteoporosis in later life. Obese people also suggested taking vitamin D supplements, because vitamin D can be locked into the fat cells and can not be used by the body. Children aged 6 months to 5 years of age should get vitamin D by 7 mcg every day because her bones are going through a critical stage of development. was to supplement, what about sun exposure? According to experts, the best sunlight is before 09:00 or 4:00 p.m. to 18:00 pm, and is only 10-15 minutes away. 

It was enough to synthesize vitamin D. In areas that are very less sun light, the use of ultraviolet radiation can be used for the same purpose. Excess Vitamin D Sun in the hot sun or artificial ultraviolet rays superfluous should be avoided, because it can make the skin burn. In addition, the "bath" Excessive sunlight can cause skin cancer. The use of vitamin D supplements excessive nor recommended. Excess vitamin D will cause excessive kalsiferasi on bone, blood vessels harden, kidney stones, and others. 

This is due to the nature of calcium binding of vitamin D that accumulate in various organs of the body. calcium will terendap throughout the body, especially the kidneys, which can cause permanent damage. Renal function is impaired, causing protein in the urine and discarded urea levels in the blood increases. Consuming vitamin D as much as 10 times the recommended daily dose in a long time will cause poisoning, which resulted in high levels of calcium in the blood. The first symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, followed by a tremendous thirst, increased urination, weakness, anxiety and high blood pressure.


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