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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Helping Way or Overcoming The Faint

Helping Way or Overcoming The Faint

Fainting is a condition where a person lost consciousness for a few moments. Primarily, fainting caused by lack of oxygen supply to the brain. The victim suddenly felt weak, pale and nauseous, then fell to the floor / ground and was unconscious. In many cases, fainting usually be cured in just one or two minutes.

Some Causes of Fainting:

Result was exhausted because of the activity / work overload. Stand still (like a flag ceremony) in a long time. Completion of a new complete bed rest (bed rest) for a few days or weeks. Emotional tension, because of the small blood vessels relax and blood flowing a bit. This resulted in a drastic drop in blood pressure. Due to the pressure in the neck, especially on carotis artery (pulse head), may reduce the blood supply to the brain that ultimately result in unconsciousness. Could also be due to wearing clothes that are too tight in the neck.

Due to excessive fear, like the sight of blood, people fighting, or see something feared.
Inhaling too much may cause dizziness, which can eventually lead to fainting. This is mainly due to excessive anxiety because someone was not getting enough air, then breathe excessively (many-many), which eventually exceed the needs of their normal air. This is called hyperventilation syndrome . People like this should do the breathing activity in a paper or plastic bag (out of breath inhaled again) when this strange feelings arise. Breathing in a paper bag like this in a row will increase carbon dioxide levels in the blood and restore the normal chemical balance in the body. Treatments For Victims Fainting