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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

5 Characteristics of Pregnant Women

5 Characteristics of Pregnant Women

Pregnant is a moment most awaited by all couples. Therefore when you positively have been pregnant, then you should be more careful and keep the health and the food you eat so that your body and your child can remain healthy in the stomach. But in reality many do not realize that they are pregnant young and not a few who eventually miscarried. Therefore it is good to learn and know the characteristics of pregnant women.

The characteristics of Pregnant Women and Their Solutions
Actually a lot of the traits or signs that may indicate that a woman is pregnant. One of the surest ways to know that a woman is pregnant or not using a pregnancy test. After learning some of the characteristics of pregnant women then you can confirm your pregnancy. Here are the characteristics of pregnant women:

Nausea and Vomiting

The characteristics of pregnant women who most often can be seen are the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Although this phenomenon is known as morning sickness , but in fact these symptoms can appear at any time whether it is morning or night. In general, these symptoms will attack women who are still pregnant at a young age as the first few months or in mid-pregnancy. This phenomenon is quite common and is felt by almost all pregnant women, so you do not have to worry. To overcome this, many are resting and eating lots of healthy food.

Easy Tired

Another sign of pregnancy is reduced and easy spirit when tired or tired of doing a job. This is caused by the increase in the hormone progesterone that occur early in pregnancy so that women will be easy to feel tired and sleepy. So to mark this one will usually experienced when women enter even younger gestational age and disappears when the pregnancy is entered three months. To prevent fatigue, then why pregnant women reduces the weight becomes lighter jobs. This will affect the health of the woman.

Not Haid

Cycle menstruansi unusual or too late can be one of the characteristics of pregnant women. Someone who become pregnant will not experience menstruation during pregnancy, so if you menstruansi cycle this month too late then it is better you take a pregnancy test.

Breast that swells

The characteristics of the pregnant woman that normally appears is breast swell and become sensitive. This usually happens a week after menstruation is late and the schedule due to increased hormone levels in the body. These symptoms will lead to feeling uncomfortable for the woman and a little sore. Actually there is no definite cure for the symptoms, but to reduce the discomfort you can get some rest.

More sensitive sense of smell

Many pregnant women who feel that in early pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, their sense of smell becomes more sensitive to some scents. So sometimes they become nauseous and dizzy when certain smell. It is still not known for certain reasons this phenomenon occurs, but certainly this can be prevented by limiting food consumed and reducing the use of perfume that smells too strong.

Actually there are many characteristics of pregnant women to find out whether a woman is pregnant or not. However, the characteristics and the signs above are quite accurate and often occurs in pregnant women.


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