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Friday, May 11, 2012

How to Eliminate Scar On Foot

How to Eliminate Scar On Foot

With so many activities sometimes we do some things that make our body parts accidentally injured. And one part of the body that are frequently exposed to foot injuries. Some scars can disappear on its own, but sometimes there are some wounds that are not biased so that the imprint is lost and in need of special care, because if you leave a scar on the bias reduces the confidence when hanging out with friends or browsing public. Of course if the woman does not want to be reduced in appearance as visible scars on foot, by Karen the following are some ways to get rid of scars at the foot: The first way is by applying honey , this can be done because of bias raised scars honey foot. Do this every day until the scars on your legs disappear.

The next way or the second way is to use aloe vera sap . In addition to hair aloe vera is also useful to get rid of scars on legs way is with aloe vera sap on fresh wounds. Weakness of using this method is only efficacious in fresh wounds. The next way or the third way is to use olive oil . Many women know the benefits of olive oil is one of them to smooth the skin. And if the wound is often in rubbing olive oil will make these scars. The next way or the fourth way is to use lemon juice. Lemon juice handy to disguise spots spots on the wound in the leg.

The next way or ways to five is to use lavender oil. The detail is by using cotton that has been applied lavender oil and then rubbed on scars on legs. Do this routine every day. Further way or that way is to use the six mix rose water with sandalwood. Implementation that is to spread the ingredients on the wound and then let stand for 1 day.

The next day to clean out the wound, if in doing routine will get rid of the scars on legs. The next way or manner to seven is to use cucumber juice. Its implementation is by applying it to the wound and jut let sit for about fifteen minutes. After that wash the scar it with warm water.

The next way or manner to eight is to use mint leaves. Implementation that is to refine some mint Duan then using a cloth squeezed his quintessence, after can then apply on the scars on legs Further ways or means to nine is to use green tea. Namely how cotton dipped in green tea, after the cotton is wet cotton directed at former wound.

The next way or manner to ten is the mennggunakan coconut oil. Details of this method is pelaksanaaan take coconut oil that is still pure and then use it to massage the scar contained in the leg, one of the usefulness of this method can also disguise the scars that have long

The final way or ways to eleven is to use a mixture of lemon juice, yogurt, and cream meal out sour milk. How to implement it is to mix a few drops of lemon juice, one tablespoon of yogurt, a tablespoon of oatmeal and a tablespoon of sour cream milk. After so mix it in the paste on the wound in the leg and let stand for about 10 minutes.

Thus a number of ways you can do to get rid of scars on legs .