Ulcer is an inflammation that can occur in some areas on the body. Sometimes people do not realize that they have been rather severe boils up.
Therefore it is good to know what it boils and ulcers to remove it safely and quickly. So basically boils is an inflammation that usually occurs in the hair follicle and the surrounding area.
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Actually this disease is not a dangerous disease, but if you do not immediately treat the patient will usually be hot and cold, the body becomes lethargic and sometimes a bit dizzy. Boils are usually synonymous with a red bump on the skin surface. If the abscess is already long, then it will appear seburam usually yellow or pus underneath the eyes. If this is the case then do not push it because it is not a direct way of eliminating ulcers correctly. With a squeeze of bacteria in it can actually spread and other ulcers appear on other areas of the body.
When you've found the ulcers in your body, then how to eliminate boils the most appropriate is to make it dry first. This can be done in several ways such as diligent applying antibiotic ointment on the area boils so bacteria does not grow in it and ulcers are not enlarged. You can find special creams or ointments for boils in a range of shops obat. If you've diligently applying the cream, then how to eliminate boils which then is to compress it with warm water that has been mixed with salt. So when you compress the mixture boils with boils would be faster then rise to the surface and will be broke by itself.
Boils break in this way is safer and cleaner to do than to squeeze or stabbed with a needle. Later if the ulcers are ruptured, the pus and fluid that is in boils and sores would come out to be deflated. That's when you have to clean up the area and ensure that there are no residual or bacteria that still exist in the network or the skin area. Clean with cotton, then a little sign on the boil area to ensure that all the liquid is out. way eliminates boils this one might be a little sore, but it is most important to do.
If you already clear the area properly, then the next step is to compress part ulcers using betel leaf. This process aims to ensure that the bacteria that is in it is completely gone and help eliminate sores so no imprint. way eliminates boils can be done by taking a few betel leaves and boil until boiling.
Allow to slightly cool down then apply on the boil that has been broken. Do this process several times until your ulcer completely disappeared. If you are experiencing a lot of ulcers accompanied by a fever in the body, then you also have to take antibiotics. If how to eliminate boils above does not work or ulcers appear repeatedly then it is better you check with your doctor. This is because ulcers can occur because of disease or immune deficiencies person and these factors are usually not recognized by humans. Therefore before you severe ulcers, so it's good you treat it right away and keep your body in order to ulcers can quickly disappear.
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