Foods that can prevent osteoporosis - Maintaining bone health early on is a must. Osteoporosis is not just attack people who are in old age, but also can be experienced by people who are still young. This is because, more and more young people who do not maintain nutritional intake, especially foods that contain calcium .
Sufficient calcium to prevent bone loss
Osteoporosis | Google Images
Meet calcium needs are obliged to do. Due to insufficient calcium in the body will make you avoid osteoporosis or commonly also referred to as bone loss .
One way to meet the need of calcium in the body can be done by multiplying eat foods that becomes the main source of calcium . Here are some of the food is.
Sufficient calcium to prevent bone loss

Osteoporosis | Google Images
Meet calcium needs are obliged to do. Due to insufficient calcium in the body will make you avoid osteoporosis or commonly also referred to as bone loss .
One way to meet the need of calcium in the body can be done by multiplying eat foods that becomes the main source of calcium . Here are some of the food is.

Milk is the main source of calcium and vitamin D . To maintain a healthy body , drink low-fat milk so that the needs calcium satisfied without the need to worry your body will become obese . You can get the intake of calcium from dairy products like cheese, ice cream and others.

Types of nuts such as pumpkin seeds, almonds and peanuts are rich in magnesium which helps the formation of calcium . Walnut, rich in fatty acids omega-3 and alphalinoleic acids which help strengthen bones.

Carrots are rich in alpha-carotene , beta carotene and betacryptoxanthin good for maintaining bone strength. Wash carrots and eat in a raw state. Raw carrots have better benefits than the already cooked. You can also eat carrots as a mixed salad.
Try to eat meals on a daily basis so that you have strong bones.
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