Decreased appetite, muscle aches, fatigue, and headache to watch. Because the symptoms can be caused by hepatitis C or liver. Disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (Hepatitis C Virus - HCV) can attack the liver which then become cancerous. disease hepatitis C are at great risk for developing a chronic disease , leading to cirrhosis and liver cancer that causes death. Meanwhile, there is no vaccine for hepatitis C virus type this, so hard to do prevention.
According to the data, an estimated 170 million people worldwide are affected by Hepatitis C. In Indonesia, the number of patients with hepatitis C reached 2.5 million people. Most sufferers of reproductive age and about 1-4 percent of them die each year from liver cancer and about 20-25 percent had cirrhosis of the liver, which can make the heart shrink and harden so that the performance of the heart for the worse.
Most people with HIV / AIDS are prone to hepatitis C. This disease can be caused through the use of hypodermic needles. Such as piercing, tattooing, intravenous drug use, the use of non-sterile medical equipment and blood transfusions are at risk of transmitting this dangerous disease. In addition to the transmission can also be shared through the tool body treatments such as razor, toothbrush and nail clippers. The difference with this type of hepatitis B, hepatitis C transmission type is not through personal contact (eg, sex or babies born to infected mothers). But the biggest source of transmission is used syringe together among drug users. Types of hepatitis C is more virulent than the type of hepatitis B. Hepatitis C, will continue to grow rapidly, and approximately 10-30 percent of people infected for more than 30 years will have cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is more common in people who are infected with hepatitis B or HIV, and alcoholics. People affected by cirrhosis have a 20 times greater risk of developing liver cancer.
But unfortunately, there are no specific symptoms caused by hepatitis C, so people can infected for years without realizing that he was suffering from HCV and potentially pass it on. It is an unconscious sufferer so patients come to the hospital already in a state of chronic and difficult to cure. hepatitis C virus in the blood and body fluids, can be detected by specific blood tests, where blood was found in the presence of HCV-RNA after 1 - 2 weeks kind of hepatitis C virus infection (HCV). Hepatitis C may seem creepy because characteristics of the virus are "clever" outwit, and thrive unbeknown has reached a dangerous stage. Usually when it's positive for hepatitis C, patients experience decreased appetite, muscle aches, fatigue and headache. If it has been developed into cirrhosis of the liver disease, can cause high blood pressure in the veins that drain the liver, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, easy bruising or bleeding, dilated veins, especially in the stomach and esophagus, jaundice (yellowing of skin) due to increased bilirubin in the plasma Blood and brain damage.
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