Hazards And How To Stop The Liquor Addiction
Alcoholism or we call it with alcohol addiction , today has become a serious problem facing our world. Alcoholism will lead to poverty, crime, failure in business, domestic discord and many other negative impacts. fact mentions that 20 percent of people with mental disorders who were treated in psychiatric hospitals is that they are alcoholics . This is a problem that must be solved by everyone, both by those who drink and those who do not drink alcohol. majority of people drink alcohol on a regular basis, and most other people only drink alcohol when they feel under stress or anxiety. There are also those who drink alcohol in moderation, they have damaged themselves quickly. Others drank alcohol within a certain size, but still alcohol will eventually damage them. Alcoholic beverages are considered as "nerve sedative" effective and easy to be on every corner in place. Therefore, alcohol is a very big danger. Harm Alcohol
Of course any liquor will damage the function of the liver , and can ultimately lead to liver cirrhosis . Liquor also cause gastritis and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach. Not only that, alcohol is also a real negative impact to the brain and thinking ability. Because drinking too much, then there was edema brain, where the incident is swelling and impaired blood flow in the brain tissue, so that the normal coordination of the brain does not work as expected. Liquor also cause weakness of the heart, eventually the heart will be disturbed and no longer works as it should.
In some people who are addicted to alcohol, appear paranoid reactions. Drinkers may feel that he is being persecuted, ostracized or bullied, but they are not. Therefore, they will attempt to avenge "revenge" on those around him, even they will try to kill themselves to avoid the whisper of voices they hear. This is all caused by damage to brain functions. Liquors also cause inflammation of the peripheral nerves, where the nerves veins become weak or deteriorating. Personality bibulous people who would normally be a slacker, not powered, and can not be trusted. However, whatever the conditions bibulous someone because, all of it still can be improved as long as willing to make changes to the liquor left for the rest of his life. How to Stop Liquor of Addiction
To successfully quit bibulous , which primarily is the drinkers should have a strong desire to stop drinking. And it must be admitted, in addition to the strong intention of the drunkard, the support of others is crucial. It's good to ask for support from family, friends, people who are respected, and others in order to halt the process of addiction successfully. In addition, join the community sort of anti liquor will help determine success. drinkers who want to quit should eat healthy foods, especially fruits. Hard spices such as pepper and chili should be reduced. No more smoke , as this will increase the desire to drink alcohol. Multivitamin tablet will also be very helpful, such as vitamin B complex and vitamin C. And do not forget, there is the Divine power entirely, communicate with Him and ask for His help.