Food makers sleep
Sometimes a person needs medication to sleep soundly.While the effect because too often taking sleeping pills will be bad. For now excavated and discussed many kinds of food as a substitute for sleeping pills are.
By sleep will make the body feel more fresh and healthy. A healthy sleep at night.However, for some people a difficult experience will be very difficult to sleep soundly.And one goal is to consume sleeping pills before the desired bedtime. Though sleeping pills will also affect the dependence for the wearer.
In addition to the consumption of sleeping pills other habits that they do is do something that makes them saturated, so it came was feeling sleepy. Without their knowledge, but there are other ways that are very effective and does not have a negative impact at all, that is by eating. Foods that are meant to be consumed before bedtime in order to create a deep feeling sleepy so sleep more soundly.
Food substitute sleeping pills
- Nuts Almonds.Gynecology protein in almonds is able to stabilize blood sugar levels during sleep, and magnesium in almonds can prevent you from having problems in sleep is not restful.
- Cereals . By eating cereal before bed, you will experience a more rapid drowsiness. And tidurpun will be more soundly.
- Boiled eggs. Boiled eggs are highly recommended when in the middle of your sleep experience hunger, immediately eat eggs because of its protein plays an important role helping the quality of sleep and make the body become healthy.
- Honey . Honey can improve poor sleep quality. By consuming it along with your favorite bread.
So, do not sacrifice your health in order to get quality sleep mekonsumsi only with sleeping pills. Starting was eating healthy foods rich in vitamins as above in order to sleep soundly and quality you get.