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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Human Ear, Parts And Functions

Human Ear, Parts And Functions

The human ear is an important organ of the body and also among the most beautiful shape. All things related to fine structure, and therefore complex-round we can hear, show that the human ear is a perfect creation of the Almighty. Imagine if we could not hear, how sunyinya life. world in which we live is a world full of noise / sound. Either in a state of waking or sleeping, the human ear continued her task. Ears to protect us from accidents, always making us alert and always aware of what is happening around us. A great pleasure and happiness when we can listen to speech of the people we love. Everything and many other things that we can enjoy thanks to this miraculous gift of hearing.

Ear parts and Functions

The human ear consists of three parts: the outer, middle and inner parts. The outside or can we call outer ear is the ear located on the side of the head (ears). Outer ear consists mostly of cartilage covered by skin. Is a direct function of the outer ear to the sound of the bones on both sides of the head. Outer ear canal length roughly one and a half inches, contains tiny hairs to keep out of the danger of foreign objects entering. Also there is a special glands in the outer ear that produces a waxy substance that protects the skin from cuts / abrasions. However, in certain situations, this wax can build up, so it will clog the ear canal and interfere with hearing.

Stretched out over tip in the ear canal hearing the drums there. Sensitive small membrane will vibrate in response to various sounds that we hear, from low to high pitch tone. Higher tone is received, the faster was the ear drum vibrate.

Across the ear drum there must other important space called space drum (the middle ear space), most of the air-filled. In this small cavity there are three tiny bones called the bones of the listener. Each bone has a different shape, and they coordinate to pursue sound quickly. The first bone hammer, attached to the deeper part of the hearing drums, and the other end attached to the bone and the middle track. The other ends of the bones are attached to both the third small bone, stirrup, the last part tucked into oval window of the inner ear.

These three small bones have been formed since human beings are born. Everything unfolds carefully in the perfect position to continue sound. How this can be established, it is a big secret on the human body. Can a man believe that all these things happen by accident? 

The latter, the inner ear, consisting of the tool body balance, the three semicircular canals, casement oblong, circular aperture and the cochlea (cochlear) functions convert impulses and transmitted to the brain. Three semicircular canals also serve to balance the body. In addition, there inside the ear Eustachian canal that connects the mouth to the outer ear.